The PrivatelyAttack Spring Update
Hello! It’s me. I’ll spare you the “It’s been a while” bit for now. Let’s get into the update:
Hell yeah I did. A month of preparation led to this bad boy. I honestly didn’t think I would reach no more than 100 or so people, but at 487 views it’s currently my best performing project to date. In order to create a cohesive “canon” to my YouTube channel I have divided each year into a season of content, with 2022 being season one and 2023 being season two of course.
What’s in store for Season Two?
Final Fantasy XIII
The Funeral
Resident Evil 2
Yes, the FFXIII essay is finally coming. I can’t promise that it’ll be this huge, grandiose project but in the last few years more and more people have been saying
“Final Fantasy XIII is good actually”
and meanwhile I’m over here shouting from the rooftop
“I’ll never forgive Justin McElroy for his NieR review”
This has everything to do with FFXIII, I promise. (also nothing but love for Justin. I actually got stuck too playing Replicant last year.)
When can you expect another essay on this website? When I’m done with my next few videos, so maybe summer? I might do another update either before or after, so look forward to that. What’s it about? I can’t tell you, but if you love w h o l e s o m e games then be sure to tune in.
ANYWAYS. . . .
What else have I been up to?
I’ve been on a big Shintaro Sakamoto kick lately. I’ve been listening to him since 2016 or so but this year I finally got a hold of one of his albums on Vinyl. It didn’t even cost me that much, but this particular album sort of floats between $50 and $150 on discogs.
I cried my eyes out in the theater last year when I watched EEAAO. Maybe it was the fact that I had just gotten my eyes examined an hour prior, maybe it’s because I had just lost my dad. Maybe it was the rocks with googly eyes on them.
Either way when my good friend Bateman came down to visit a couple weeks back he and I alongside our mutual friend decided to sit back and watch my 4K Blu-ray copy. The best part was watching Bateman struggle to find my PS5’s disc drive slot. By the end of the film this strange smoke filled the air and suddenly made us all very teary-eyed. It was the smoke, I promise.
Like most people we carry childhood trauma brought about by our parents. It was refreshing to see that trauma on film be processed, but for us it probably won’t be the case. Here’s hoping!
I watched The Last of Us. Pretty good show.
So the general rule that I’ve been giving myself is that unless it’s an offhand comment on twitter or instagram or in a discussion- be it discord or the Insert Credit forums- I don’t want to talk about games in any casual capacity aside from maybe podcasts. That’s what the essays are for. I pick what I enjoy the most and make a prompt, then go from there.
That being said, Like a Dragon Ishin whips ass.
Next video has currently started production. I’ll give that one to two weeks, tops. After that I planned on making a couple youtube “shorts” but I think those will probably just become written essays or just…tweets. I’m not sure. Next big project on this website is projected to come out no later than August, after that I have no idea lmao
If you like what you’ve read feel free to buy me a coffee or check out my patreon. If you’re from discord or insert credit follow me on Twitter if you want to keep in touch with what I’m doing in between essays.