The PrivatelyAttack Summer Update
Like the front left burner of my stove, I too take a while to ignite and get things going.
What I’m saying is that I’m a bit burnt out from games. The last couple months had two huge titles seemingly back to back, and it knocked the wind out of me if I am being honest. I’m of course talking about Zelda and Final Fantasy.
Speaking of FF, where’s that FFXIII essay?
Glad you asked, voice in my head! As of ten minutes ago the script is finished. I plan on recording and editing hopefully within the next few days. It’s not going to be a super long video, but recording during the summer sucks since I usually have to turn my AC off, and right now my thermostat has this cool feature where if I so much as touch the side the whole thing shorts out and won’t turn back on.
The heat index is 110F right now where I live, so I’m not touching the AC. I don’t want to go down that route. I already had that experience back in 2021. For now I think the best course of action will be to record in my closet. Should work so long as my side neighbors aren’t fighting or having loud intercourse while I wax nostalgic over reading Tips and Tricks Magazine.
In the meantime I did put out a video on Sting’s 1998 cult hit BAROQUE.
It’s a messy, stinky, rusty shiv of a game, and I quite like it. I talk about experimental drum performers, Cutie Honey, and Ico in this vid, so if you like that then check it out, or don’t!
As far as written essays go, I do in fact plan to talk about Zelda and FF at length in some capacity. I know it’s the hot thing to compare everything to everything, but I almost feel like playing these games so close to each other is a unique experience in and of itself. A double album if you will.
However before I spill my guts out about how much I love Goetz I want to get one particular piece of writing out after finishing my FFXIII essay. You see, August 21st will bring about my 30th birthday, and I want to go back a bit before I start moving forward. An effort to right my wrongs. It’s not too deep but I just want to talk about parts of my life and what I plan to do during the next big step: My 30s.
Other than that I’ll have at least 3 more vids for the rest of the year. Juzo Itami’s The Funeral, a little game by the name of Resident Evil 2, and Sony Computer Entertainment Japan’s Aconcagua. Once 2024 comes around I’ll probably keep video topics under wraps in an effort to change things up on the fly. Written essays will remain the same format for the foreseeable future seeing that they’re easier to make.
Gonna skip out on the Music, TV, and Film portion of the update because things have been pretty still these last few months. Not a whole lot going on. I do plan to take some time to watch more TV though. I know exactly how pathetic that sounds.
If you like what you’ve read feel free to buy me a coffee or check out my patreon. If you’re from discord or insert credit follow me on Twitter if you want to keep in touch with what I’m doing in between essays.